Humanistic Studies Majors Theses, Summer 2016
Faculty Advisor: Christine Manganaro
Zagawah (Zae) Soe, "From Assimilation to Advancement: Examining the Asian American Impact on Suburbia," (pdf)
Taylor Smith-Hams, "Just Sustainabilities in Baltimore: A Campaign for Fair Development in Curtis Bay" (pdf)
Cassidy Lubberts, "The Woods Around Us Have It" (pdf)
Humanistic Studies Majors Theses, Winter 2015
Faculty Advisor: Christine Manganaro
Emma Hohenstein, Photography and Humanistic Studies.
Jess Bastidas, Illustration and Humanistic Studies.
Humanistic Studies Majors Theses, Summer 2015
Faculty Advisor: Bob Merrill
Kacie Mills, Graphic Design and Humanistic Studies. "Disorientation: A Critique of Post 9/11" (pdf)
Marissa Fein, Interdisciplinary Sculpture and Humanistic Studies, "Freedom: A Simulated Technology of our Global Network."
Hayley Evans, "Howard Street: Barriers and Environmental Determinism in Baltimore City" (pdf)
Mac Falby, "Against Nature-Thoughts on Ecology and Morality" (pdf)
Cynthu Muthusamy, "Goddesses of the Earth and Cosmos"
Dana Holgerson, "Mad Geniuses"
On On Lao, "Triumph of the Mind: 20th Century Idealism"