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Deadline June 10, 2020

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The Université de Montréal Arts and Medias colloquium was initiated in 2013 by Art History students and progressively opened itself to new disciplines. It offers the opportunity to familiarize oneself with scientific communication, for participants and the audience, in a democratic environment. The committee invites graduate and undergraduate students to explore the 2020 theme: space. 

Space is a subject often explored in many disciplines through many lenses. The feminist geographer Doreen Massey (2005) questions the idea of space as flat, internal, and given surface upon which we move ourselves. She develops the idea of power geometry to underline the importance of thinkins space as the product of interrelations, as a dynamic sphere continuously constructed and composed of multiple trajectories. From a phenomenological point of view, Sara Ahmed (2006) views space as not external to bodies, but as a sort of second skin “ that unfolds in the folds of the body “ (Ahmed 2006). In game studies, Johan Huizinga (1951) develops the idea of a “magic circle”, a game space theoretically circumscribed but whose boundaries are constantly reinstated in discussions (Arsenault & Perron 2009 ; Deterding 2009 ; Stenros 2012). 

We’re inviting professors, lecturers, researchers, professionals. and graduate/undergraduate students from museum, film, videogame, or any other field, to fill the online application with a proposal of 1800 characters (spaces included ). Make sure to indicate the form (traditional academic, PowerPoint, poster, or creative project) and the required amount of time for your presentation (between 10 and 30 minutes). You can also propose other formats but they must be approved in advance by the organization.