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Call for Content: The International Journal of Lifelong Learning in Art Education

Deadline March 30, 2018

Website | Application

The Committee on Lifelong Learning, a special interest group of the National Art Education Association (NAEA) is pleased to announce the creation of a peer-reviewed, open source journal entitled, The International Journal of Lifelong Learning in Art Education (IJLLAE). To be published annually, IJLLAE  invites submissions of articles, book/media reviews, or visual essays to the inaugural issue.

IJLLAE is the official, on-line, peer-reviewed, open access journal of the Committee on Lifelong Learning, an interest group of the National Art Education Association (NAEA). IJLLAE examines educational and cultural policy issues in relation to lifelong learning, arts and aging, adult education, community-based art education, museum-based art education, and intergenerational and transformative arts-based learning. Few, if any scholarly journals examine arts learning for the aging or intergenerational populations. Research in the field of arts-based lifelong learning is growing and there is a need for peer-reviewed scholarship. lJLLAE seeks to provide a platform for researchers, educators, and artists working with these populations to share and develop knowledge through scholarly articles and visual essays.

Submission Guidelines: