Graphic Design Seniors

Colleen Roxas, class of 2012

August 14, 2017


The Project

Embody was a collection of typographic product designs that explored letters as unique, abstract forms, apart from their context as language, to hold infinite possibility for coalescing into new configurations. The convergence of these characters serve metaphorically for connections made in interpersonal relationships, hence, the notion of two souls merging into one unified whole. An infinite number of relationships with various scales and degrees of proximity can be combined to form a huge community system, with large and intricate networks of associations.


The exhibition invited audiences into a personal, cozy and comforting atmosphere symbolizing a commonly shared arena for relaxation and tranquility. Along with the bedroom space, sentimental and lasting objects such as jewelry and home furnishings, were chosen to serve as significant tokens of personal expression, with unique patterns coalescing to form enduring relationships. The resulting unification of typographic forms were always surprising and unique. Each of the patterns represented how the archetypes of our language have become a vital link in unifying the world through communication to form interpersonal relationships.

From all my formal experiments and investigations, my discoveries expressed the beauty and warmth found in meaningful connections. In addition, I hope others can appreciate the craft and the infinite possibilities of experimentation with typographic form. From experimentation, you can uncover exciting surprises.



colleen's Advice

1. Get a group of friends and have homework parties to bounce ideas back and forth. It also makes working on thesis 10x more fun and productive.

2. Experiment and take risks. Don’t be afraid or feel wrong about what you’re doing. Even if you have no idea what you’re doing at first, you’ll figure it out. Sometimes, the best ideas are the ones without any defined outcomes. Be unpredictable and think backwards, upside-down, and sideways. You’ll encounter some exciting surprises that way.

3. Don’t procrastinate. Start planning your ideas as early as possible or you’ll be pulling all-nighters every week. Give yourself some practical goals and deadlines, and set reasonable budgets for yourself.

4. Do lots of reading and writing related to your thesis. Keep a notebook or update your Evernote app with lines of inspiration from design history books, articles, blogs, or even everyday conversations. Lots of writing will help you to feel more comfortable about presenting your work. Ask yourself questions, make lists, draw charts, and sketch constantly. If you’re an introverted and shy person like me, writing will help you feel prepared and will help to build your confidence once you’re finally in front of an audience.

5. Exercise humility, destroy your ego, and be observant. You’ll become a better learner during your adventurous process.



Colleen is a designer at Booz Hamilton in Washington DC.
See more of her work at