Graphic Design Seniors
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Soomin Cha, Class of 2019

July 29, 2019



Blankit Cares About Your Daily Depression.

There are a variety of emotions in your day. Through all the ups and downs that

you have, Blankit cares about your daily depression. We are here to help you make

your own emotional support kit by filling it with things that are meaningful to you.

We believe that collecting and curating tangible objects can give you comfort

and bring you mental stability. We focus on the individual. Everyone has distinct

personalities, experiences, and backgrounds, so we allow customization of the kit

that reflects your unique identity.


Through this kit, we hope that you can get away from the things that make you

feel down. Blankit is personalized and customized; name it so that it’s your own!


- Your daily life and background can be a great inspiration. Don’t stop thinking even when you sleep.

- Keep talking about your project to people around you. They will help you out.

- Don’t freak out if you have no idea what your doing. Everything’s gonna be exhibited on the first day of the show.

- Spend as much time as you can with your friends and faculties. You’re gonna miss them really soon.