Graphic Design Seniors
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Kevin Guyer, Class of 2019

July 30, 2019


Futureform is an exploration into questioning the established standards of design. As we become even more technologically advanced, our dependence on designed experiences deepens: how can we design for the future with our physical & mental health in mind?

Using the fundamentals of sustainability (promoting a peaceful society, equitable economy, and habitable planet) as a driving force, several sub-explorations were researched and eventually distilled into visual formats.


Think of it as a ‘semester-long project’ instead of ‘senior thesis.’ This is a vital time to discover what you care about in design, so use it as a time to learn about your work and yourself. If you go into the semester ready to experiment and make smaller explorations, it can be more manageable and less ‘sacred’ than the goal of a perfectly executed identity project. 

Also, you can only make good work if you take time to care for your mental & physical health. It’s hard to act on in the midst of things, but remember that your mind and body are the precursors to everything you can do or experience. Use MICA’s Fitness Center periodically and take small breaks throughout the day! It is possible to have a relaxed final semester :)