Drawing for Thinking & Making: At Home Edition

Zoe Schweiger

Interdisciplinary Sculpture Major / MICA '22

Zoe Schweiger, The Fleeting Gesture of our Home, natural materials using palm tree pod and adhesive, 4.5’ x 1’, 2020.



My home and the city I was born and raised in is expected to go underwater within my lifetime. By using materials from the palm trees right outside my home, I highlight the temporary while juxtaposing it next to seemingly-permanent artificial structures. What both have in common is that no matter whether they are natural or unnatural, they will soon sink into the ocean due to rising sea levels caused by our own thoughtless lifestyles.

Zoe Schweiger, Concept Drawings for The Fleeting Gesture of our Home, 2020.

Zoe Schweiger, Material Studies, natural materials using palm tree pod and adhesive, 4.5’ x 1’, 2020.

Zoe Schweiger, The Fleeting Gesture of our Home, natural materials using palm tree pod and adhesive, 4.5’ x 1’, 2020.